Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rehearsal Notes

Rehearsals: Rehearsal of the talent went very well. I was surprised it how well the actors fell into the roles. There weren't any difficulties in conjunction with the script. I know when it

comes the actual acting, it will go over well.

Shots/Locations:What i taught was a harder issue to tackle was the issue of imagining the space.

Although the talent generally was a success, the technicalities of how we are going

to place everything became an issue. We didn't know whether or not what angle we

be best to accommodate the space. An example would be the office scenes. Even though it's in the DA media, the angles of the tables would pose an issue once we start shooting. Also I was wonding about the color of the room and how it's going to affect the lighting. Even though the lighting of the room can be controlled the wall are very white. So in a sense that white might have an effect on how we light the individual actors. Generally, it more a on set issues that we as a group have to overcome.

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