Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Proj 3 Script


The room is relatively quiet, save for a slight bustle of someone moving things around.

A bag disappears from the bed, bringing three teddy bears of various sizes, into view. They are all sitting together.

A hand is seen turning off the light.

After a moment’s pause, the bedroom door swings open slowly.


(glances at three soldier teddy bears making their way in through the bedroom door)

If it isn’t Captain Paddington’s soldier bears. Come to get the stuffing knocked out of you yet again, huh?


And that cat Felix isn’t even here to drag you in this timeAlex, Ted and I will handle this. You just hold down the fort, ok?



(IMALA and TED jump off the bed)


You know the drill! Go! Go!

(soldier bears charge forward and divide, running in separate directions)

LIEUTENANT BECKET charges to the right. He scales a shelf, only to find that it is too far away to help him get closer to the bed.

CAPTAIN PADDINGTON comes face to face with IMALA. She uses her superior weight to block CAPTAIN PADDINGTON’S view.


Going somewhere?


As a matter of fact, yes.

IMALA tugs on a bandana hanging off the seat of a nearby chair. She then, throws the bandana at CAPTAIN PADDINGTON, covering him.

CAPTAIN PADDINGTON appears to struggle for a moment before taking off the bandana. Annoyed, CAPTAIN PADDINGTON launches himself at IMALA.

IMALA struggles under him, trying to get free, but fails in the attempt.


(mutters under breath)

Would you just hold still…


(shouts over muttering)

“Ow! Stop pulling!

(pauses, trying to get free)

Alex, help! He’s going to undo my stitches! I think my stuffing’s falling out!”


“But you said—”


“Never mind what I said! Just come help me!”


(reluctantly, glances at bed)


[pans across the room]


(blocks LIETENANT KLINE’S way)

“That all you got?”

LIETENANT KLINE attempts to get passed, but when he fails, he dives toward a desk and begins to scale one of the legs.

TED follows LIETENANT KLINE, and runs toward another leg of the same desk. He quickly attempts to scale his desk leg.

(on the other side of the room)

ALEX has joined the fight to free IMALA from CAPTAIN PADDINGTON’S grip.

With the help of ALEX, IMALA finally gets free. Looking up, they discover that LIETENANT BECKET is climbing up the baseboard of the bed.


Imala! Look!

ALEX points at the bed.

IMALA looks around to where ALEX is pointing.




I’m on it.

ALEX grabs IMALA around the waist and throws her toward LIETENANT BECKET.



IMALA grabs the sheets of the bed when she lands to keep from slipping down the side.

Startled with her sudden appearance, LIETENANT BECKET slips down an inch.

IMALA pulls herself up the rest of the way to the top of the bed and waves her behind in LIETENANT BECKET’S face, victoriously.


Yeah! Take that!

(A short ways away)

TED reaches the top of the desk, only to find that LIETENANT KLINE is already across the desk surface and climbing down the cord of a nearby lamp.

LIETENANT KLINE climbs near the bottom of the cord, and begins swinging on the cord. He bumps into the nearby wall.

TED slides down the leg of the desk and runs toward the bed.

LIETENANT KLINE, now using the wall to push off of, swings close to the bed. When he gets close, he jumps off the cord of the lamp and lands on the bed.

IMALA instantly turns around to face LIETENANT KLINE.

(across the room)

CAPTAIN PADDINGTON jumps up and down, still slightly restrained by ALEX.


Yeah! You go Kline! And would you look at that, Becket, you’re almost there too! Hell yeah! No more sleeping in daddy’s cramped little collection case!


Over my fuzzless, moth-eaten remains!


Just you wait! Well, finally get books read to us and attend tea parties, and get little girl hugs!

LIETENANT BECKET has finally manages to pull himself over the top of the bed.


And stop looking at all those other soldier bears that her father has collected. If that Russian bear stares at me one more time…

TED appears from behind LIETENANT KLINE and wrestles him to the ground.



A struggle between TED and LIETENANT KLINE ensues.

IMALA jumps forward, knocking herself and LIETENANT BECKET off the top of the bed. She lands on top of him.

Suddenly, CAPTAIN PADDINGTON and ALEX look toward the door.

All struggles stop.


What is it?


They’re back.

IMALA, ALEX and TED all get to their feet.



TED and LIETENANT KLINE quickly settle down on a flat part of the bed.

IMALA and LIETENANT BECKET scramble to sit next to the foot of the bed.

ALEX finds and empty spot next to the desk and sits down.

CAPTAIN PADDINGTON looks around just in time to see the light turn on. He falls straight on his back in the middle of the floor.

A pair of shoes walk into the room, nearly stepping on CAPTAIN PADDINGTON.

Impatiently, a pair of hands grab CAPTAIN PADDINGTON, LIETENANT KLINE, and LIETENANT BECKET, tossing them out the door of her room.

The same hands gently grab IMALA and ALEX and put them back on the bed next to TED.

A bag is set down in front of the teddy bears.

All is completely still.

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