Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Self-Critique #1

Title: Bad Day
Idea: My initial idea started with a girl trying to handle a series of misfortunes. As the story progressed it showed her dealing with it unsuccessfully.
Source: My source originated from a television show called, Snapped. I wondered what was the driving point that caused all those women to their actions. With that idea in mind, I wanted to show a character lashing out.
Key Emotion: The main emotion that I wanted to portray was building frustration.
Synopsis: The story starts with a woman in her work office. As she progress through the work day, it gradually becomes more stressful. Eventually she couldn't take the stress anymore and leaves the office. She then comes home to experience more misfortune with her bathtub and microwave. After going through more misfortune she sits done on her patio to contemplate her day. In a fit of frustration she throws the teacup down and it shatters. The story then ends with her going back to work. At this point she is prepared for the new work day.
Theme: The theme was her going through and reacting to different situations
Strengths: I thought that our shots and location access was what made our film stronger.
I mean we had an access to a empty office where we can do a variety of angles.
Problems: Personally, I had problems with the lighting. At first, I thought I had a pretty good sense of lighting. However when it was time to shoot, it felt a little overwhelmed.
Journal: One thing that I didn't anticipate was how long the filming process was going to take. Also I didn't realize how long it takes to block out a shot and then do lighting.

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