Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Inspirational Example


As a whole, I think this is a pretty good of example

of how a sock puppet work. Even though it is not fully a

sock puppet (has arms and legs), I think the small gesture give

a general idea. As a group, this would be a great example of

how a puppet can look through a camera. You can see the movements

of the hands but very subtly. Maybe this can be utilized in the group project.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Possible Pitch Idea

1. Starts with a view of the environment (which in this case is the kitchen
and bathroom)
2. Character is introduced via the hands and begins a cleaning
3. Then a new establish shot is shown of the character leaving. As a way
of showing a new day
4. A group of people, a person waves, but the character keeps her distance.
5. Will in class someone bumps into her a spill some unknown substance on
6. The character freaks out and can be seen washing hands in restroom
7. Another shot of her home; she can be seen frantically cleaning but more
extreme to an extent
8.shows her leaving again but this time she is prepared.
9. she drops her prize gloves into a mud or some unknown puddle.
10. She hesitant to pick up the gloves
11. Finally reaches down to pickup the gloves
12. Stares intently at the gloves
13. walks away

The GodFather I

Here's Some of my inspiration. As far from my idea as this is, I like how the they
use their environment. Its the same yellow ornate environment that makes up the presence
of the movie. The movie is entirely based off the presence.

Pitch Pictures

Here are some photos that I wanted to possible use during my

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Self-Critique #1

Title: Bad Day
Idea: My initial idea started with a girl trying to handle a series of misfortunes. As the story progressed it showed her dealing with it unsuccessfully.
Source: My source originated from a television show called, Snapped. I wondered what was the driving point that caused all those women to their actions. With that idea in mind, I wanted to show a character lashing out.
Key Emotion: The main emotion that I wanted to portray was building frustration.
Synopsis: The story starts with a woman in her work office. As she progress through the work day, it gradually becomes more stressful. Eventually she couldn't take the stress anymore and leaves the office. She then comes home to experience more misfortune with her bathtub and microwave. After going through more misfortune she sits done on her patio to contemplate her day. In a fit of frustration she throws the teacup down and it shatters. The story then ends with her going back to work. At this point she is prepared for the new work day.
Theme: The theme was her going through and reacting to different situations
Strengths: I thought that our shots and location access was what made our film stronger.
I mean we had an access to a empty office where we can do a variety of angles.
Problems: Personally, I had problems with the lighting. At first, I thought I had a pretty good sense of lighting. However when it was time to shoot, it felt a little overwhelmed.
Journal: One thing that I didn't anticipate was how long the filming process was going to take. Also I didn't realize how long it takes to block out a shot and then do lighting.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


We start out in an office building, behind the office of the character, hereby the “woman”, as she talks on the phone. She looks serious. She hangs up and writes things down on a piece of paper. She takes a sip from a teacup. She makes a call to someone, dialing an extension, but hangs up when no one answers. She gets up frustrated, grabs the paper, and leaves the office.

It cuts away to the woman sitting at a chair on a balcony with a lake behind her. She is holding the teacup as she looks unemotionally into space. She looks very worn down.

Cut back to warehouse. Woman is seen walking into warehouse and looking around for product. She goes up stair/ladder thing. She comes back down most likely with a product.

Cut to shipping station. She sets the product and paper down on the shipping station, then leaves the screen.

It cuts to the hallway outside her office and shows her going to it. She looks inside and sees a stack of papers. She picks up a piece of paper, reads a line, and walks back out of the office with the paper.

Cut back to the warehouse. Show her finding another product.

Cut to shipping station, and show her putting the product down.

Cut back to her walking in office. The stack of papers has gotten larger. Have her pick up another piece in a haughty and irritated way and walk out the door.

Cut to the warehouse and have her grabbing a product.

Cut back to her entering office to an even bigger pile of paper.

Cut back to warehouse. Have several shots (3-4) of her walking into warehouse holding a piece of paper.

Finally, show another cut of her walking into her office. The mountain of paper has grown enormous and boxes litter the floor/desk space. She sits down a moment, takes a sip of tea, sets down the teacup. It falls over, spilling all over a bunch of papers. Even more frustrated, she grabs a post-it note, writes something. Then grabs her jacket, a teacup and walks out the door. She sticks the post-it to the door on her way out and slams it, showing us that the post-it says “Sick, later”.

Cuts to balcony. Woman is still looking emotionlessly out into space. She raises the teacup to her mouth, takes a slow sip, and puts the cup down. Staring down at its contents, we see what she sees.

Cut to woman attempting to get into her car. She drops her keys on the ground. As she bends down to pick up her keys she drops her purse. The contents of the purse spill out. She gets up, opens the door, and shoves the purse into the passenger seat. She collects the items that dropped and throw them into the car. She gets in, and drives off.

Cuts back to the balcony. The woman gets up from her chair and her attention is completely focused on the teacup now. Then suddenly her gaze shoots toward the window as if she has seen something.

Cuts to a residential neighborhood. We see a car pull into a driveway. Zoom in or cut forward to closer to the house, and we see the woman getting out of the car and walking towards the mailbox. She gets to the mailbox and takes the mail out.

Cut into the house, camera pointed at entryway. We see the woman walking through the door, and into the entryway. She sets down her belongings at a table located off screen (keeping the teacup and mail), and the camera pans around to see her as she walks into the kitchen.

Cut to the kitchen, we see her doing various things in the kitchen, including put down the teacup and mail, then walk out.

Cut to the bathroom, she does various things in the bathroom, among them starting up the bathwater. She leaves the bathroom.

Cut to the kitchen again. She gets out something to be microwaved, she puts it in the microwave and attempts to microwave it, soon realizing that the microwave is broken. She gets more frustrated.

Cut to the bathroom. She stops the water and feels it. She looks down at the water, moving her hand lithely through it, before slapping the water and creating a splash. She gets pissed and leaves the bathroom.

Cut back to the balcony. Slightly shorter shot of her staring out into space, still cradling the teacup.

Cut back to the kitchen. Woman is looking through the mail now. Several of the letters say “Past Due”. She walks to the table and sits down. She begins to read through the mail when the lights go out. Woman can barely be seen looking up toward the light, her mail still in hand.

Cuts to woman on balcony. She turns and looks down again at the teacup briefly. With great force, she smashes it on the floor.

Cuts to woman getting out of car with what appears to be a portfolio clutched in one hand. Her mood appears much improved. A smile is on her face. Shot ends with her entering warehouse door.




Group Assignment Inspiration

Basically, these are some inspiration painting by Edward Hopper. In relation to our chosen subject matter, I think the use of space is most important. I mean in all three of these compositions he manipulates the space and even the color to communicate a message of isolation. What is most important is the lighting also. The most prominent being the middle picture. Hopper separates the warm and muted colors so we can focus on the subject.