Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Artist Lecture #2 Stanley Hainsworth

After review my old notes. I discovered that I have notes on this lecture that I went to earlier in the semester. The artist name is Stanley Hainsworth. He is a designer that worked for larger named design companies, such as lego. My overall opinion of the lecture was that he didn't talk a lot about design. Although he has list of 10 rule that designers should follow when designing. I didn’t fully grasp the rules because he was running out of time. I wish that he had shown, more examples of how to get into the industry, besides portfolios. He also spent a lot of his time describing his work with starbucks. I thought the designs of that were the best of out his entire portfolio comparably. I also thought that the most interesting part of the lecture was his in-house design firm. It liked a fun environment to work in. Overall I think that his lecture was pretty rushed.

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