Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Film

For my first film, I came up basically with the idea of a mirror. So here is my process:

IDEA: I thought about how in class during the demo someone was waving their head back
and forth. Then I though about how the camera is a object that is seeing you. So basically its
an inanimate objects that projects yourself even if you can't see it. With that idea in mind
I instantly though of a mirror.

Conceptual: I think that a mirror is a way of documenting yourself without actual record.
Mentally you see yourself as you change. The mirror stays the same. So mentally a person is
documenting themselves. Also I thought of this as a way of showing routines.

Technical: This was basically an experiment. I really need to work on the lighting thought. I couldn't think of what to do with that.